Filtru buzunar “V”

Product selection A-Z


Pocket filters for the separation of fine dust

  • Filter groups ePM10 and ePM1 (fine dust filters)
  • Performance tested to ISO 16890
  • Eurovent certification for fine dust filters
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022
  • High energy efficiency class according to Eurovent
  • NanoWave® medium, sewn
  • Enlarged filter area due to filter pockets
  • NanoWave® medium with extremely low initial differential pressure and highest possible dust holding capacity, ideal flow conditions due to wedge-shaped filter pockets
  • Different numbers of pockets and pocket depths
  • Quick installation and filter changing times due to easy, safe handling
  • Fitting into standard cell frames for filter walls (type SIF) or into universal casings (type UCA) for duct installation


Optional equipment and accessories

  • Front frame made of plastic or galvanised sheet steel


ATEX construction for protection zones 1 and 2 as well as 21 and 22




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Pocket filters for the separation of fine dust

  • Filter groups ISO ePM10 and ISO ePM1 (fine dust filters)
  • Performance tested to ISO 16890
  • Eurovent certification for fine dust filters
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022
  • Non-woven synthetic fibres, welded
  • Enlarged filter area due to trapezoidal filter medium
  • Low initial differential pressure and high dust holding capacity
  • Different numbers of pockets and pocket depths
  • Quick installation and filter changing times due to easy, safe handling
  • Fitting into standard cell frames for filter walls (type SIF) or into universal casings (type UCA) for duct installation


Optional equipment and accessories

  • Front frame made of plastic or galvanised sheet steel

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Pocket filters for the separation of coarse dust

  • Filter group ISO Coarse (coarse dust filter)
  • Performance tested to ISO 16890
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022
  • Non-woven chemical fibres, welded
  • Enlarged filter area due to filter pockets
  • Low initial differential pressure and high dust holding capacity
  • Different numbers of pockets and pocket depths
  • Quick installation and filter changing times due to easy, safe handling
  • Fitting into standard cell frames for filter walls (type SIF) or into universal casings (type UCA) for duct installation

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Front frame made of plastic or galvanised sheet steel




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Pocket filters for the separation of fine dust

  • Filter groups ISO ePM10 and ISO ePM1 (fine dust filters)
  • Performance tested to ISO 16890
  • Eurovent certification for fine dust filters
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022
  • High energy efficiency class according to Eurovent
  • Non-woven glass fibres, sewn
  • Enlarged filter area due to filter pockets
  • Low initial differential pressure and high dust holding capacity, ideal airflow conditions due to wedge-shaped filter pockets
  • Different numbers of pockets and pocket depths
  • Quick installation and filter changing times due to easy, safe handling
  • Fitting into standard cell frames for filter walls (type SIF) or into universal casings (type UCA) for duct installation


Optional equipment and accessories

  • Front frame made of plastic or galvanised sheet steel
  • ATEX construction for protection zones 1 and 2 as well as 21 and 22

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